The Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE-T calculator has a special edition called "Python Edition"
It's easy to develop Python programs for this system. I'm developping like this: I develop the programs like normal python programs on a PC with an editor (in my case PyCharm and Notepad++). To be able to test the program on a PC I've made the following design. 1. conditional support for imports from TI libraries, like this: try: from ti_system import * except Exception as e: print ("no module ti_system") 2. read and write data wrapped in functions with a hybrid implementation For reading data TI uses recall_list For writing data TI uses store_list On a "normal" system without the ti_system library this will not work. So, I made wrapper functions with exception handling, e.g. def saveeuro(ieuro): xlist=[] xlist.append(ieuro) try: store_list("1",xlist) except NameError as e: saveEuroToFile(ieuro) return See github for the sourcecode:
AuthorEd Leijnse ArchivesCategories